
Is your brand heading for post-pandemic pandemonium?

The coronavirus pandemic and subsequent global lockdowns have had a vast range of impacts on brands and marketers – for some, obliterating their business overnight; for others, supercharging their competitive advantage.

But in all cases huge adaptations have been required, whether in working practices, business strategy or campaign planning and now it’s time for brands to move out of a reaction phase and develop a plan to meet the market’s impacted conditions.

So the new normal is going to be very different in the way a lot of brands get the job done.

Collectively our co-founders, Janie and Mex, have over 5 decades of branding and marketing experience and have developed an approach to help brands relaunch their offerings as the lockdown is eased.

Exclusive only to Women In the Food Industry members this free mini brand health check with top line marketing recommendations is worth £2,500. Our members can login to discover the benefits and find out more.  If you are not a paid up member of Women in The Food Industry, find the benefits of joining and sign up below.

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